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- Business Transformation Through AI
DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION KEYNOTE THEATREOpenshift ist die bevorzugte Plattform für modernen AI und Cloud Anwendungen - aber nicht jeder möchte in eine Public Cloud oder zu einem der großen Cloud Anbieter . Was tun? In dieser Session stellen ...
DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION KEYNOTE THEATREIn the ever-evolving landscape of technological advancement, academia is sometimes criticised as outdated. This talk will demonstrate the transformative potential of “cloud-native” in engineering educ ...
- Business Transformation Through AI
- Digital Transformation
DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION KEYNOTE THEATREOur business world is increasingly determined by data. Open source and data standards such as Gaia-X enable the trustworthy use of data based on European values. Interoperable Data Spaces based on a f ... -
DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION KEYNOTE THEATRESoftware enabled precision engineering is a key asset in automotive R&D. Vehicles are transforming and becoming Software Defined Mobile Devices. Meanwhile high-performance computing (HPC) in the autom ...
- Digital Transformation
- Business Transformation Through AI
DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION KEYNOTE THEATREBreakthroughs made in the field of Artificial Intelligence, and in particular Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL), bear the potential to optimize transportation systems in unprecedented ways. This inclu ... -
DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION KEYNOTE THEATREThe future of the cloud is decentralised and digital value creation is becoming widespread. Large IT players in Germany and across Europe have been investing in the design of decentralised, collaborat ...
DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION KEYNOTE THEATREMyFest is the ultimate after-work networking event that promises to be fun, relaxed and unforgettable.
CLOUD THEATREWas ist echte Datensouveränität? Und was hat diese mit einer Kugel Eis und einem Containerschiff zu tun? Diese Fragen beantworten wir aus der Perspektive der Schwarz Gruppe, Europas größtem Handelsunt ...
CLOUD THEATREThis session offers a unique journey through the pitfalls of overengineering, drawing on historical anecdotes and modern tech challenges to illustrate the vital importance of simplicity in engineering ...
- Digital Transformation
CLOUD THEATREWhen outdated business software needs to be modernised (or re-developed) for migration to a cloud environment, there is often a long series of decisions to be made. It is not uncommon for this process ... -
CLOUD THEATREVorstellung der Ergebnisse des Cloud Computing Marktbarometers Deutschland 2024, einer Umfrage zum aktuellen Status und zukünftigen Entwicklung des deutschen Cloud Computing-Marktes.
CLOUD THEATREWie Sie die Kontrolle über Ihre Cloud-Kosten behalten oder wiedererlangen. Die Public Cloud ist ein bisschen wie der wilde Westen: Jeder kann machen, was er will. Dies führt über kurz oder lang zu ch ...
- Cloud Architecture (private/public cloud)
CLOUD THEATREDiscover the transformative strategies to embed Zero Trust security within your cloud architecture, enhancing protection across both private and public clouds. This session unveils practical, actionab ... -
- Cloud Infrastructure & Sustainability
- Cloud Architecture (private/public cloud)
CLOUD THEATREJoin us for a session dedicated to find more about the European Cloud Alliance’s vision for the future of cloud in Europe. Kim Gagné, Executive Director of the European Cloud Alliance, a Microsoft-sup ... -
CLOUD THEATREWhile cloud adoption offers tremendous benefits, it also presents significant challenges for IT and network operations teams. Learn about a modern cloud monitoring solution that provides complete visi ...
- Cloud Infrastructure & Sustainability
CLOUD THEATREDas Panel beschäftigt sich mit der Fragestellung, wie sich der Markt für Cloud Infrastructure Services künftig entwickelt. Es ist damit zu rechnen, dass die Nachfrage nach Angeboten aus der Public Clo ... -
CLOUD THEATREIn today's corporate landscape, sustainability reporting is imperative for ESG-focused organizations. Today's session emphasizes the role of IBM Envizi as a cornerstone for comprehensive sustainabilit ...

DEVOPS THEATREPlatform engineering is a new term that evolved from traditional Operations. What does it mean to provide a Cloud platform to (internal) customers? Where are intersections and collaboration opportunit ...
DEVOPS THEATREThe demand for speed and innovation is everywhere. However, that enthusiasm sometimes creates conflict when it butts up against security, resiliency and reliability concerns. In some cases, the dogged ...
DEVOPS THEATREAs organizations strive to reduce costs and environmental impact, leveraging technologies like Kubernetes has become imperative. In this session, we'll explore how RTL Tech, managing over 100 Kubernet ...
DEVOPS THEATREIn modern organizations, there are a few core priorities for data infrastructure. Be cloud-native, have first class support for S3, deliver performance at scale and be able to deal with any data type. ...
DEVOPS THEATREIntelligent Infrastructure is a rapidly evolving concept that leverages advanced technologies to optimize the performance, reliability, and security of IT systems. By incorporating predictive maintena ...
DEVOPS THEATREThis session shows personal experiences about DevSecOps and a possible approach to secure the DevOps lifecycle.
DEVOPS THEATREDealing with data has always been a challenge, especially when it comes to automating provisioning for development and testing within a DevOps framework. Moving into the cloud doesn't eliminate these ...
DEVOPS THEATREWhen you are writing a code, you have a very clear target: that the code will run and that the output will be accurate.But have you ever stopped and thought about the language in which you are writing ...
DEVOPS THEATREThe modern data stack offers a powerful framework for building robust data analytics solutions. This overview explores its key components and best practices for designing resilient pipelines. From dat ...
- Business Transformation Through AI
DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION KEYNOTE THEATREHow AI is really changing everything. -
- Digital Transformation
DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION KEYNOTE THEATREStell dir vor, die gewohnte Kaffeepause wird durch eine App ersetzt, die misst, wie viel Kaffee du trinkst und dir Vorschläge macht, wie du dein Kommunikationsverhalten mit deinen Kunden optimieren ka ... -
DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION KEYNOTE THEATREThe demand-oriented and cost-efficient provision of cloud resources is a significant challenge. Even FinOps professionals struggle to precisely determine configurations for computing, storage, and dat ...
DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION KEYNOTE THEATREMany (esp. ISV) companies are facing the challenge Legacy2Cloud and also thinking of outtasking Managed Cloud topics. Why? How What? This talk will demonstrate the journey from Legacy2Cloud and show i ...
DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION KEYNOTE THEATREIT-Automatisierung? Ja, aber „Was sind die Ziele & wie ist der Weg ins gelobte Land?“. Wir geben Einblicke in konkrete Praxiserfahrungen der PROFI AG.
- Digital Transformation
CLOUD THEATREBereiten Sie Ihre Organisation auf die Transformation mit Microsoft 365 Copilot vor. Erhalten Sie Einblick in die Kernfunktionen & Funktionsweise, technische Voraussetzungen und Hürden und verstehen S ...
- Cloud Infrastructure & Sustainability
CLOUD THEATREErfahrungsgemäß scheitern viele Cloud-Projekte an einem Netzwerkdesign, das weder flexibel noch skalierbar ist. Das Panel wird sich mit modernen Netzwerkkonzepten befassen, die es Unternehmen ermöglic ... -
- Cloud Infrastructure & Sustainability
CLOUD THEATREDriving the Green Standard: The Green Mountain Data Center Story” details the journey of Green Mountain Data Centers and the company’s drive towards environmental sustainability and energy efficiency. ... -
- Cloud Infrastructure & Sustainability
CLOUD THEATRELearn about the issues we faced at BurdaForward, a media & tech company, after migrating to the cloud - and how communication can help overcome them. -
CLOUD THEATREThis presentation describes IBM technology footprint within IBM consulting health care platform
CLOUD THEATRESpätestens seit Initiativen wie Gaia-X ist klar, die Zukunft des Internets und der Datenverarbeitung ist dezentral. Das bedeutet, dass Daten zunehmen am Ort ihr Erhebung verarbeitet werden. Logischerw ...
CLOUD THEATREHow OBS and Prosimo are enabling innovation for large enterprises by solving complex Cloud Networking Challenges.

- Business Transformation Through AI
DEVOPS THEATREThe recent massive interest in AI solutions has sparked a huge and pervasive wave of AI projects. We are now entering a second phase where the AI projects that have proven value are looking for operat ... -
DEVOPS THEATREDid you know that developers spend, on average, less than 25% of their time coding? Join us as we explore how to boost developer productivity. We'll cover what developer productivity means, how to mea ...
DEVOPS THEATRE"Join us for an in-depth exploration of how RTL Tech achieved cost-efficient and environmentally friendly Kubernetes operations, and gain actionable insights to implement similar strategies in your own infrastructure."
DEVOPS THEATREThe adoption of ML models is rising across all industries, as a side-effect Malicious ML models are a new and emerging threat that can compromise your systems by executing code when loaded. In this se ...
DEVOPS THEATREThis talk addresses the challenges faced by platform teams who are under pressure to deliver results quickly amidst a rapidly evolving technological landscape. It will focus on ways to overcome obstac ...
DEVOPS THEATREHow can we build a more inclusive DevOps environment? Understanding the multifaceted nature of diversity is crucial to building a sense of belonging. Join the Women in DevOps team for panel discussion ...
DEVOPS THEATRECompanies and teams strive to validate business cases and make the right investments in technology and projects. With the ever-changing landscape of requirements and the emergence of new technologies, ...